Binary Options trading is fairly new, and has been rapidly growing as one of the fastest markets since 2008. Binary options trading is currently one of the most lucrative marketplaces, because of the potential for huge gains in a short period of time. With these new instruments, you can see a profit of 85 or even 95 percent per trade in a very short period of time.
Mastering Binary Options trading enables you to day-trade and/or swing-trade the market, without the need to have any Trading License, Series 56 or Series 7.
We have designed our educational trading courses in simple to understand language, so that you can become an independent, self-directed trader in the shortest possible time.
If you always wanted to enter the world of day or swing trading, scalping, or being able to keep your positions overnight - without the rules and restrictions that proprietary trading firms mandate due to margin rules and other day trading regulations, including pattern day trading rules - and you have not been able to due to these limitations, NOW YOU CAN.
By learning the revolutionary techniques available in the world of Binary Options, while being able to trade on a regulated Exchange - legal for all US and Canadian traders - you can now work to achieve your goals to profit from equities, commodities and Forex markets.